Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Early Morning

There is something magical about early mornings. Getting up before the sun rises and making a cup of hot coffee. Wrapped in a warm throw and sitting down to watch the sun peak over the top of the trees.
The calm and quiet are unmatched.
It feeds the soul in a deep and relaxing way.
The potential for anything seeps into every moment. It is a time for silent reverence and I soak in every ounce of super charged rays of new born sunlight.
I take a deep breath and turn to face the day.

I can do all things ....

I am ready.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am Saju Mattew, just read a comment you made on http://womenofhistory.blogspot.com. The comment was on the subject "Awan - The Wife of Cain".

    L. G. Craft said...
    As a Jew, I know of no such "tradition" in our teaching. Adam, spelled with a final mem, is plural. It is Jewish teaching that many men (adam-being Jewish for mankind) and woman were created but Adam, the man who was Eve's husband, was chosen. Cain married a woman who was not his sister but a member of another family. As well, Eve was specifically created for Adam as there were other woman but none suitable for him as far as righteousness was concerned.
    March 2, 2016 at 12:44 AM

    I am a Christian but believe in the same line as you commented. I do so much research on the book of Genesis, the culture, the language of the day etc to understand the Scripture in its right context.

    Based on the above subject, would you please help me with any books that I can get hold of to read further? This is the reason i am taking all efforts to reach out to you. I am just posting a comment here, hoping that you will read it. I have no other way to contact you.

    Appreciate your kind help. You can mail me: sajumattew66@gmail.com
